“The Third Murder” Review

A strangely compelling murder-mystery, which, together with a peculiar Japanese understatement and an insight into the Japanese criminal justice, delightfully subverts expectations.

“Mother!” Review

Mother! [2017] – ★★★1/2 Aronofsky “recycles” others’ and, ironically, his own previous film ideas, resulting in Mother! appearing an unoriginal horror concoction & also an uncomfortable reminder of other, much better films. <<<I took care not to reveal any specific spoilers, but some discretion when reading is still advised>>> The story centres around Him (Javier…

“Hacksaw Ridge” Review

Hacksaw Ridge [2016] – ★★★★1/2 An inspiring story about an unconventional hero? A graphic tale of the brutality of a war? A touching and believable love story? Mel Gibson can do it all, and brilliantly. His latest film Hacksaw Ridge tells the true story of Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield), a kind, deeply-religious young man who…

“Shame” Review

Shame [2011] – ★★★★★ Directed by Steve McQueen (Hunger (2008)) and starring Michael Fassbender, Shame is a bold, beautiful film about a high-paid office worker in New York, Brandon Sullivan (Michael Fassbender), who suffers from sex addiction. While Brandon is able to shuffle work and (his idea of) play reasonably successfully on a daily basis,…